Once payment has been received, we will process the order so that you will receive the product at the address indicated within 3-5 working days.
Shipping is completely free of charge.
You can return the product within 15 calendar days from the day following receipt of the order in accordance with the rules of distance selling.
It is necessary that you contact V2C by phone +34 96 065 45 54 or email [email protected] to indicate the reason for the return and proceed to its return.
All merchandise must be returned in its original packaging and conditions, in perfect condition and protected, avoiding stickers, seals or adhesive tapes directly on the surface or packaging of the article. Otherwise, V2C reserves the right to refuse the return.
Within this period of 15 days, the equipment must not have been used, manipulated or unsealed. Otherwise, the return will not be accepted.
You will be responsible for the return transport costs. In addition, €4.95 will be deducted from the amount to be reimbursed for the shipping costs incurred by V2C.
Once the goods have been received by V2C, and it has been checked that they are in perfect condition, the refund will be processed. We will make the payment within a maximum period of 10 calendar days from receipt of the product. The method of reimbursement will be the same as the method of payment.