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How to share a charger from the V2C Cloud App?

To share a charger with a family member or a third party, you must do it from the App, not from the V2C Cloud platform.

Log in to the App.

Select the charger you want to share.

Click on the arrow to the right of the ‘DO YOU SHARE THIS CHARGER WITH MORE PEOPLE?’ button.

Select the ‘Loader’ field to choose the e-Charger you want to share.

Afterwards, select ‘Accept’ and then click on the ‘INVITE’ button.

Select the medium through which you want to send the invitation (WhatsApp, email…).

The guest will receive a message with a link to click on. They will then be redirected to a window to log in to V2C Cloud, or, alternatively, to sign up for the app by registering.

When you are finished with the process, you should open the App, where the shared e-Charger will appear.