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V2C » Support Area » Trydan Support » Leak Detector Installation Diagram

Leak Detector Installation Diagram

To perform the installation, the leak detector connector must be placed in the J1 port located on the power board A and in the port COM7 on the power board B.
Subsequently, the cables coming from the power board should be routed through the charging hose inside the coil, depending on the type of installation (single-phase or three-phase).

Board A

Board B

Power board

Leak detector connector


Single-phase installation

Route the Neutral (blue) and Phase 1 (brown) cables (which go from the power board to the hose) inside the coil, always keeping the Ground (yellow and green) cable outside.

Board A

Board B

Power board

Leak detector connector

Single-phase installation


Charging hose

e-Charger housing

Three-phase installation

Route the Neutral (blue), Phase 1 (brown), Phase 2 (black), and Phase 3 (gray) cables (which go from the power board to the hose) inside the coil, always keeping the Ground (yellow and green) cable outside.

Board A

Board B

Power board

Leak detector connector

Three-phase installation


Charging hose

e-Charger housing

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