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MQTT protocol configuration in Trydan

MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) is a protocol used for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication in the Internet of Things.
Trydan can be connected via MQTT, and the following functionalities can currently be realised:

  1. Use of dynamic power control. It is possible to send the consumption data of the dwelling, solar energy and battery that enable the dynamic power control functions to be carried out.
  2. Send consumption data from the car to the e-Charger.

Configuration of dynamic power control through MQTT

To configure the dynamic power control via MQTT, you must have a broker that sends the consumption data of the house, photovoltaic, etc…

trydan_v2c_sun_power (solar generation of the system)
trydan_v2c_grid_power (energy consumption of the grid)
trydan_v2c_battery_power (consumption of the solar battery, if any)

These are the topics to which we subscribe, so you must submit them for the protocol to work correctly.

Next, configure the dynamic power control in V2C Cloud as shown in the images.

* The default port is usually 1883.

Sending of car consumption data via MQTT

The configuration is the same as above; however, you have to subscribe to Topic: trydan_v2c_car_power.

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