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Kostal PIKO connection with Trydan

The connection between Kostal PIKO and Trydan is established via HTTP requests. For this, your inverter must be compatible. Generally, all Kostal PIKO inverters are compatible. If yours is not, we recommend updating the firmware to the latest version available.

Are we compatible with the Kostal PIKO inverter?

To check compatibility, open a browser on a computer connected to the same local network and enter the following address:, Replace the IP with the one assigned to the inverter.

How can I find the IP address of the Kostal PIKO?

There are several ways to determine the IP address of the Kostal PIKO. The primary method is to access your router and view the list of connected devices. The IP of both the Kostal inverter and the Trydan charger should appear there. Alternatively, you can use other tools, such as the «Angry IP» software for PC.The «Network IP Scanner» app for Android.The «IP Scanner» app for Apple devices.

The response to the above request should look similar to the following image:

How to connect the Kostal PIKO to the Trydan charging point?

Open the V2C Cloud app.

Select the charging point.

Go to the Settings section.

Access Dynamic Power Control and select Kostal as the meter.

Choose the type of installation.

Do you need technical support?

Generate a request in the Technical Support Centre and we will contact you as soon as possible to offer you the best solution.