
Greenheiss solar inverter integration with Trydan

The Trydan charging point can be integrated with the Greenheiss solar inverter. Here’s how.

The Greenheiss inverter must be connected via wiring to the meter that monitors the installation (usually Chint). To obtain the solar production data in the V2C APP, the connection must be made via WiFi. This second part is not mandatory, however, it allows for a greater user experience by seeing everything integrated on the web.

1. Connection via cable to the energy meter of the Greenheiss inverter system

To make the connection, we will run a cable from the Trydan V2C charging point to the installation’s main switchboard, where we will have the Greenheiss inverter meter installed. It will be sufficient to carry two cables, although a UTP cable can facilitate the installation and connection to the Trydan charging point.

The connection to the Trydan charging point is made as follows: cable A of the RS485 Modbus connector shall be number 5, and cable B of the RS485 Modbus connection shall be number 4. The connection to Trydan is made at the dedicated input on the cover of the device.

Connection 4 and 5 of cable A and B, at the Trydan Recharge Point.

Wire A and B must be connected to the Chint meter of the installation as shown in the picture, referring to the colour code on the installation:

A posición izquierda B posición Derecha. Recuerda que ya habrá conectado dos cables que van al inversor.

2. Linking with Trydan e-Charger

To link the charging point, enter the V2C Cloud application, select the e-Charger and go to Settings. Access the Dynamic Power Control section and select ‘Inverter’ under ‘Device type’, and ‘Greenheiss’ under ‘Inverter type’. Select ‘Save’ for the configuration to be applied. Then the device will restart and will be ready to receive home consumption data.

It is not necessary to indicate the IP in this device, as all the charger’s functionalities for smart charging with solar energy can be carried out without indicating it, although it does allow for a greater user experience, as with the IP you can obtain data on solar/battery production in the V2C application. The IP can be easily found via this link. We recommend setting the fixed IP in the router so that you don’t have to change it.