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Navigation Buttons and Display

Trydan features two buttons on the left side that allow you to configure the e-Charger, serving as an alternative to the V2C Cloud application configuration. The parameters to be configured can be viewed on the front display.

Button Interface

Trydan has two buttons at the top of the side panel, as shown in the image.

Top button = advance (+)
Bottom button = retreat (-)

Accessing the configuration > Press both buttons simultaneously with a long press (4/5 seconds)
3 main configuration categories > System, Installation y Additional
Navigating between categories > Any button with a short press
Entering a specific category > Hold the top button with a long press
Navigating between parameters within each category > Short presses
Accessing a parameter > Hold the top button with a long press
Modifying the parameter > Short presses
Saving the configuration > Long press on either button

Configuration menu


The first parameter you can configure is the language. To enter the language setting, press the top button with a long press. Once inside, you can view the available languages with short presses. After selecting the desired language, press the retreat button (bottom) with a long press.

The next parameter cannot be altered. It is the unique identification number of your charger. This code is also indicated on the sticker on the side of the e-Charger. With this code, you can link Trydan to your V2C Cloud account.

In this section, you can choose whether to set the date and time manually or not.

 The modification order is: DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR, and MINUTE.

If you choose to set the date and time automatically, be aware that this information is updated every time Trydan connects to the internet or a smartphone via Bluetooth, so you won’t have to update it manually in the event of a time change.

This parameter is for information purposes only and cannot be modified. It indicates whether there is active WiFi communication and/or scheduled charging.

To access the following four options, perform a long press:

This parameter is also solely informational. It indicates the 
name of the WiFi network 
to which the charger
is connected.

If connected via WiFi,
you can view the IP address.
It is a local IP assigned to Trydan by your router. If no WiFi connection is available <IP>

Hold the top button
to activate the Access Point
(the WiFi point emitted by
Trydan will activate so you
can connect to it).

If you have a scheduled load, the time interval of the load will be shown first, followed by the days on which the load is scheduled.

This parameter allows you to restore the e-Charger to its factory default settings by pressing and holding the top button.


In this parameter, you can modify various charging settings. By pressing and holding the top button, you can access the different parameters:

Dynamic control

If you have a household consumption meter connected to Trydan, you can select YES for dynamic control, so the charging intensity varies based on the current total consumption, making the charge as efficient as possible. If you do not have this meter, select NO.

Dynamic control – YES


Next, you must select the type of installation. Trydan, in addition to the three-phase and single-phase versions, is able to communicate with most inverters on the market and thus manage the surplus of your photovoltaic installation. Therefore, you can choose between 4 modes: Single-phase, Three-phase, Single-phase-Photovoltaic and Three-phase-Photovoltaic.

Contracted power

You must indicate the power you have contracted. This power will be the maximum limit of total consumption that Trydan will use to adjust the charging intensity. This limit can be modified and scheduled by hours through the V2C Cloud app, so if this parameter is modified from this menu, that scheduling will be ERASED.

If you have configured a charging profile in the V2C Cloud app where you have indicated the contracted power, the text ‘APP’ will appear.

Refresh interval

In this parameter, you can modify the time interval at which you want the Dynamic Control data to be updated.

Meter model

In this section, you can select the source of information from which Trydan will obtain consumption data and, if necessary, photovoltaic generation data. Currently, many models are compatible with Trydan (V2C ControlBox – V2C 2.0, Shelly, Huawei, Solax, Kostal, etc.). Check Trydan’s photovoltaic integration.

Photovoltaic mode

If you selected an option with photovoltaic in the installation section, this section will appear to select the photovoltaic mode. In this case, you must configure the mode from the ‘Configure Dynamic Control’ section of the V2C Cloud app.

Below are the different photovoltaic modes you can select:

Maximum power (Grid + Photovoltaic)

  • This mode allows charging at maximum power, utilizing the available contracted power plus the photovoltaic generation.
  • It is recommended for nighttime use. Since there is no production at night, the photovoltaic contribution will be 0.

Minimum power (PV + Minimum power)

  • In this mode, a maximum of 1.5 kW from the grid will be used along with all the photovoltaic generation.
  • The dynamic control is programmed to prioritize the household consumption. Several conditions influence this mode:
  1. If the household consumption equals the contracted power, it will stop using the minimum 1.5 kW from the grid. The car will charge solely with the energy generated by the photovoltaic system if solar power is available.
  2. If the car relies on the photovoltaic generation, it is important to note that, as a general rule, the car needs a minimum of 6A or 1.2 kW to start charging.

Exclusive PV (Exclusive PV)

  • The car will only charge with the power generated by the self-consumption photovoltaic system that is not required by the household. If there is no available photovoltaic power, the charging will stop.
  • Recommended for use in night mode. As there is no production at night, the photovoltaic will be 0.

No Injection or Isolated

  • This mode is designed for installations isolated from the grid or with grid injection disabled.
  • It allows adjusting the minimum discharge power of the batteries (min 260W) and charging with all the solar energy available in your installation.

No charge

  • The e-Charger will not charge during the selected time period, avoiding any energy consumption.

Dynamic control – NO

In case you do NOT activate Dynamic Power Control, the load mode will change to Static, and you will have to configure the Local Balancing parameter.

Balanceo local

In this section, you can select the role of local load balancing. It can be inactive, or you can select the Master or an Extra charger.

If you select the Master, you can then determine the number of Extra chargers (1, 2, 3, or 4).

If you select an Extra charger as the role for local load balancing, you can determine whether the communication with the Master is via WiFi or cable. If via WiFi, you can configure the master’s IP address.

Once the static charging mode is configured, you can select the maximum intensity at which you want the dynamic control to operate (it will always depend on the contracted power). If household consumption allows, this intensity will be the maximum at which Trydan will charge your vehicle. (Limit 16 – 32A).

After configuring the maximum intensity, you can now select the minimum intensity at which you want the dynamic control to operate. If the consumption is too high to maintain this minimum intensity, Trydan will stop charging until the total consumption is low enough to charge the car at this intensity. Therefore, it is advised not to set this parameter too high. (Limit 6 – 16A).

Modify the voltage used as a reference. You should select the voltage that corresponds to your household.


In this parameter, you can enable or disable the logo illumination.

This parameter allows for more precise adjustment of the communication between the charger and the car. If the car has intermittent charging, this parameter can resolve the issue. To do this, you must disconnect the car from the charging point before calibrating. Enter the configuration menu and, in this calibration parameter, press and hold the top button. This way, the charger will calibrate the control pilot between the car and the charger.

This parameter allows you to change the behavior of the side buttons on your charger. These shortcuts will activate once you finish all the configuration and the charger restarts.


Access security level: medium-high.

  • If this option is activated, the e-Charger remains enabled.
  • It does not allow disabling the charger from the panel if the charger is enabled.
  • If the charger is disabled from the App, it does not allow accessing the configuration menu via the panel, nor does it allow enabling it (by pressing the bottom button with a long press).
  • If the charger is enabled from the App, it does allow accessing the configuration menu via the panel.

Access security level: low

  • If this option is activated, the e-Charger remains enabled.
  • If the e-Charger is subsequently disabled from the App, this shortcut allows enabling the e-Charger from the panel by pressing the bottom button with a long press.

Access security level: high

  • If this option is activated, the charger remains disabled.
  • With this option, you cannot enable or disable the e-Charger from the panel; it can only be done from the App.
  • To access the menu from the panel, the e-Charger must be enabled first from the App.
  • With this option, the e-Charger automatically locks itself after 60 seconds if no connected car is detected.

Access security level: medium-high.

  • If this option is activated, the charger remains disabled.
  • It allows enabling the e-Charger from the panel if it has been disabled from the App previously by pressing the bottom button with a long press.
  • With this option, the e-Charger automatically locks itself after 60 seconds if no connected car is detected.
  • This option is designed for installations integrated with solar energy.
  • It allows the price of the charge to be discounted based on solar energy.

This option should only be enabled if our car does not start charging instantly when connected or when it has a scheduled charge. The Renault ZOE and Dacia Spring are two models of electric vehicles that do not start charging instantly. If you have one of these models, you should activate the timer so that the car starts charging.

This mode is available if you have a three-phase charger in a three-phase installation.

If you choose ‘No’, the three-phase charger becomes single-phase, a recommended option if you have a low contracted power. In this option, you can also choose mixed three-phase charging. This consists of a dynamic change in the activation of the charging phases. Initially, the charge will start with the minimum intensity (default 6A) in single-phase mode, allowing charging at lower power but utilizing every available kW. Once the single-phase charge exceeds 30A of intensity, the three-phase charging will be activated, the intensity will drop to 10A, and the power can be increased to charge at 22 kW. Conversely, when three-phase charging is active, if the intensity drops below 10A, it will enter single-phase mode and change the intensity to 30A, allowing adjustment down to a minimum of 1.38 kW.

This option allows you to link a device to unlock the charger when that device is nearby. This function is limited to devices with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy).

To see the tags you have linked, press the top button with a long press. To delete a tag, select it with a long press of the top button and press again for a long press to delete it permanently.

With short presses, you can access the ‘Register RFID’ section, which allows you to add a device. Press and hold the top button, then bring the device closer to link it. You can add up to 4 devices. Bluetooth must be enabled on the device

Indicate whether your charger has a leak detector. The leak detector with delay prevents the leak detection from triggering when charging is activated, as the car’s contactor can sometimes cause false positives.

In this section, you must select whether you have installed an MID meter (single-phase or three-phase) or if you do not have one.

After configuring this parameter, if necessary, the equipment will restart. It is recommended not to charge the vehicle while performing this manipulation, although it would not pose any critical problem.