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Setup and Operation of V2C Payments

V2C Payments is a simple payment system available on V2C chargers. It’s a free platform that allows you to monetize your e-Charger by offering its use to other e-mobility users (valid with any charger with Cloud functionalities).

There are two different roles: promoter and user.
1. The promoter is the owner or manager of the e-Charger and has full control of the charger through the app or the V2C Cloud web portal. They automatically receive income from other users’ charges in their bank account..
2. The user is the person who wants to use the e-Charger. They only need to scan the charger’s QR code and select the charging time..

Download V2C Cloud

To enjoy all the features offered by V2C Payments, you need to have the V2C Cloud application. Download the app for your operating system or access it through the desktop version!


Registration on V2C Cloud

To enjoy the services of V2C Payments as a promoter, you must register on the V2C Cloud application, either from the desktop version or from the app

IMPORTANT: When you register, you will receive a confirmation email. It is necessary to verify the registration to complete the account creation. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to access the platform.

Registration on Stripe

In order to ensure maximum security in our services, at V2C we work alongside Stripe, a fully secure payment gateway. It’s necessary to register on the payment platform and connect that account with V2C Payments. To do this, you must log in to V2C Cloud from the desktop version and follow these steps:

Creating Rates in V2C Payments

From the main screen, go to the ‘V2C Payments’ section and click on ‘Rates’. It is necessary to define at least one rate for the proper functioning of the payment system. To do this, click on ‘Add Rate’

You can do this step before or after adding the charger. In fact, you can modify the rates as many times as you need by clicking on the one you want to modify.

In this section, all previously created rates will appear. The last step is to decide whether to charge a maintenance fee.

How to verify the connection of the e-Charger to the WiFi network?

It’s important to ensure that the charger is always connected to a network (WiFi or Ethernet) for the proper functioning of V2C Payments. In the web portal, go to ‘e-Chargers’ and check its status. It should not appear offline.

Activating V2C Payments on an e-Charger

Once the account is connected to Stripe and at least one rate is created, it is necessary to activate the payment system. Please note that Stripe charges a commission of between 1.4% – 1.5% + €0.25 per transaction*. That’s why we advise choosing the monthly billing method, as will be seen later, to pay for a single operation rather than each one individually.

End-of-Month Billing

All charges made during that month will be billed to the customer’s selected card.

Instant Billing

The customer is charged the full price indicated by the application, and once the transaction is completed, any unused amount is refunded.

* V2C, on the other hand, will charge a default commission of 10% of the transaction amount. The minimum transaction amount will be €0.50.

Disabling V2C Payments

To deactivate it, simply slide the button to the left that you used to activate it previously.

V2C Cloud – smartphone version

V2C Cloud – web version

En el apartado e-Chargers selecciona el cargador y accede dentro del menú de configuración al apartado ‘sistemas de pago’. Activa la funcionalidad y selecciona la tarifa previamente configurada. Por último, escoge el tipo de cobro a final de mes o instantáneo

NOTE FOR PROMOTER: Features like V2C Payments, RFID, and similar ones should only be active when you need them. Otherwise, deactivate them to achieve optimal performance.

Operation Control

In the “V2C Payments” section of the desktop version, you have full control of your e-Charger. Among other things, you can check transactions, income, or invoices.

Income and transactions

In the “transactions and income” section, you can monitor all types of operations performed by filtering by the dates you wish to review. Additionally, you can download PDF invoices for each of the transactions.

Rates, invoices, and billing information

You can create, modify, and delete rates as many times as necessary.

Generate device QR code

If you want to generate a QR code so that users can connect to the charger easily and quickly, especially if it’s going to be installed in a public area, you can do so in the ‘user information’ section. Click on the ‘download PDF’ button to obtain a document with the device usage instructions.

Comission-free invitation

In case the promoter wants to share the charger without issuing any charges and avoid the operational expenses imposed by the Stripe platform, there is a method to share the e-Charger completely free of charge. From the ‘invitations’ section, you can offer the use of your charger simply by entering the user’s email address.


Any user can connect to a V2C charger quickly and easily. V2C does not charge any usage fees for the V2C Payments service, and users are backed by the absolute security of the Stripe payment gateway.

Step-by-Step Guide to Charging Your Vehicle with V2C Payments

If you are a user, first download the V2C app and create an account. Once the account is created, follow these steps:

* The QR or ID (S/N) of the e-Charger is located on a silver sticker next to each connector. The application saves the last 3 chargers used by the user. Therefore, if you are going to use one of them, it is not necessary to scan the code or enter it manually again. You only need to select the charger from the “Payments” section.

Expense Control for Users

As a user, you have the possibility to control your expenses at all times easily and conveniently.

From the main screen, click on the user icon and then on “user data”. Then, select “payment transactions” to access all transactions made in detail. You can download the invoices in PDF format.

Do you need technical support?

Generate a request in the Technical Support Center and we will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with the best solution.