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V2C Trydan vs Trydan Pro: What Are the Differences Between Trydan and Trydan Pro?

Diferencias Trydan vs Trydan Pro V2C

Trydan and Trydan Pro are two internationally recognised electric car chargers. Both are designed to ensure an efficient, safe, and convenient charging experience. However, their differences may influence purchase decisions for both individuals and businesses. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know to make the best choice. Shared benefits of Trydan and … Read more

V2C and Holos Energy Systems at the Solar Solutions exhibition: accelerating the development of solar charging in Belgium

On October 2 and 3, V2C, in partnership with Holos Energy Systems, was pleased to participate in the Solar Solutions exhibition in Courtrai, Belgium. This event brought together major players in the solar energy and electric mobility sectors, providing an excellent opportunity to showcase how our charging stations optimize the use of solar energy for … Read more

The perfect integration between Trydan and Tesla cars thanks to V2C SmartLock

tesla smartlock trydan

V2C SmartLock, the incorporation of BLE technology into our Trydan charger. This innovation allows Trydan to automatically unlock when it detects the proximity of a compatible vehicle, significantly simplifying the charging experience. V2C SmartLock works by connecting Trydan to a Bluetooth e-Key, which can be a smart key fob, enabling the charger to unlock automatically … Read more

Pole Pro now features Point of Sale (POS) terminal: benefits for owners and users

TPV en cargador de coche eléctrico

At V2C, we are always looking for new ways to innovate and enhance user experience. Therefore, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Point of Sale (POS) terminal, integrated into the e-Charger Pole Pro to facilitate credit or debit card payments. This new payment method from V2C Payments aims to make electric … Read more

The Enphase Microinverter and its direct connection with Trydan: Optimise solar-powered charging

El microinversor Enphase y su conexión directa con Trydan

In a time when the transition to renewable energy sources is more crucial than ever, at V2C, we are proud to continue enhancing our photovoltaic integration with Enphase inverters. We drive the use of solar energy for electric vehicle charging and have reached a new milestone by enabling wireless communication between our Trydan e-Charger and … Read more