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Technical Guide for the application of the ITC BT 52

Technical Guide for the application of the ITC BT 52 – Infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles.

The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness published in November 2017 a useful guide that helps to interpret the ITC – BT 52. (Complement on the technical instructions). The Guide clarifies the requirements of the ITC – BT 52, includes practical examples and recommendations aimed for installers or designers.

It gathers advises on how to make charging facilities according to the casuistry of the. building, which affect products such as cable management systems, cables themselves, protection devices and charging stations.

Moreover, it includes technical clarifications on the characteristics of the sockets and connectors to comply with the regulatory requirements included in Directive 2014/94 / EU., relative to the implementation of infrastructure for alternative fuels. It also complies clarifications to align the requirements on differential protection to the new criteria of international standardization.

It is, therefore, a document that completes the requirements of the ITC-BT-52 with the experience that the sector has acquired since the publication of Royal Decree 1053/2014, in December 2014.

Below you can find a link to download the Technical Guide for the application of the ITC BT 52:
