
Understanding the WLTP Combined Cycle: What is it and what is it for?

As we often say at V2C, the future is getting closer and electric mobility is the reality for more and more drivers. As electric vehicles become more common on our roads, it is essential to understand how energy efficiency is measured. If you are thinking of making the switch to sustainable driving and buying an electric car, you are likely to come across some unfamiliar acronyms. In today’s post we explain what WLTP is, a concept you will often see alongside information about the range of electric cars.

What is the WLTP Combined Cycle?

The Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP) is an international standard used to measure the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of vehicles, including electric vehicles. It was developed with the aim of providing more accurate and realistic measurements of fuel efficiency and emissions in real-world driving conditions.

The WLTP Combined Cycle consists of a series of on-road driving cycles designed to simulate various driving situations, such as city and road. These cycles are intended to better reflect the average driving behaviour of drivers and therefore provide a more accurate assessment of an electric vehicle’s range and energy consumption. Therefore, the range shown by different electric car brands is an average taking into account the capability of electric vehicles in different driving situations.

Why is it important for Electric Chargers?

Understanding the WLTP Combined Cycle is essential for electric vehicle manufacturers and electric charger manufacturers like us for several reasons:

  1. Accurate Range: The WLTP Combined Cycle provides a realistic measure of an electric vehicle’s range in real-world driving conditions, which helps drivers have a more accurate expectation of how far they can travel on a single charge. This is critical for route planning and eliminating “range anxiety”.
  2. Fair Comparisons: Allows consumers to fairly and accurately compare the energy efficiency of different EV models, making it easier to make informed decisions when choosing an EV.
  3. Charging Infrastructure Design: Electric charger manufacturers can use WLTP Combined Cycle data to design chargers that meet the needs of EVs in terms of charging speed and capacity.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Promotes energy efficiency by encouraging vehicle manufacturers to optimise their designs and technologies to deliver better performance in real-world driving conditions.

In conclusion, the WLTP Combined Cycle is a crucial standard that helps to ensure that electric vehicles are more efficient and realistic in terms of energy consumption and range. For consumers, it is essential to be able to compare models when purchasing an electric car as range is a major concern. We hope we have helped you better understand what WLTP stands for and why it is important to know this acronym.

1 thought on “Understanding the WLTP Combined Cycle: What is it and what is it for?”

  1. When I see MPG figures of 200 upwards I believe I am being conned.
    There is no information here to dispel that impression !


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