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Charging an electric car: Guide for recharging a Renault ZOE

You want to charge a Renault Zoe? In this guide we are going to talk about how to charge one of the best-selling electric cars in Europe, the Renault ZOE. This electric car has a range of 402 kilometers, with only one load it can drive. Zoe is a good choice for our day to … Read more

Renault electric Zoe: the best selling electric car in 2018

2018 has come to its end and it has been a great year for a French company. Renault continues to reap the benefits of introducing electric mobility to Spain and takes the spot of the best-selling car in 2018.   Renault has experienced an increase of 25% in sales compared to 2017, reaching a market … Read more

Where are the charging points for electric cars (PUBLIC)?

carca de coche eléctrico en la vía pública

We have already talked about how to recharge an electric car on public roads, now we will talk about how to find where the charging points are located on public roads. Here we will give you a list of the best applications through which you can get all the necessary info. Electromaps: Electrompas is one … Read more

What is a Wallbox?

cargador eléctrico trydan

We use the term Wallbox to refer to the wall-mounted charging point for electric vehicles. Wallbox refers to the physical system that provides electrical power. to the vehicle plugged in by a cable. This device, powered by alternating current. (either in single or three-phase mode) brings together several components. that make the whole system an … Read more

Charging points for companies

charging points for companies

Business charging points are being used to recharge commercial vehicles, vehicle fleets and employee’s personal vehicles on a regular basis. Occasionally, they are also used by suppliers, visitors or customers. Before installing the charging points in a commercial or industrial building it is advisable to carry out a study for the implementation of the points … Read more

Portable charging points

When we talk about charging points for electric cars we have to consider that in the market there are different types and models. As, we have already talked about the charging points on the wall, now we will show you the different models of portable charging points. The portable chargers allow us to move miles wherever … Read more

Wall-mounted Up Wallbox charging points for electric cars

When we contemplate the possibility of buying an electric vehicle, we. have to take in consideration where to locate the charging point. As we have said in previous articles, there are charging points on public roads, but without a doubt the most practical thing. is to have a charge point at home or in the … Read more

Charge modes and types in the electric car market

  Charge modes of electric cars There are different modes of charging in the market. Charge is connected to the level of communication between the electric vehicle and the recharging infrastructure. (and thus the electrical network), and the control of the charging process. (programming it, checking the status, stopping it, resuming it) Mode 1 Domestic … Read more